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Ki plays an important role in Dragonball , being the source of their ability to sense power, and the power itself. It is their means of flying and the substance of thier blasts. Ki is perhaps the foundation of all of Dragonball in a sense. The purpose of this article is to inform you on ki in real life, or so believed. It is the result of searching the web and studying, and of also of e-mail discussion. And so, I present you with....

The Philosophy of Ki

The first link I need to give is this. It's meant to be said specifically to this sort of audience.

"Ki" is only it's japanese name. China uses two other names for it, very similar to the japanese version; chi and qi. The Jasukai Dojo in Orem, Utah, offers a list of definitions for ki: "Essential Essence, Vital Life Force, Spirit, Energy, Elemental Life Force etc." From this you should be able to draw a conclusion to the idea of ki. Many branches of martial arts work with ki, however most will deny it's existance. A popular use of ki seems to be to use it in healing, others will use it as a sixth sense, some use it as attacks, and there are even those who believe that it's flow in an environment (building, garden, etc.) can effect those that are in that environment. During this article, I will cover as many different areas as I can. But first we must expand on the meaning of ki, to understand it's use.

All implementations of ki that I have seen involve the manipulation of it's flow. You do not seem to be able to conserve ki, but rather work within an endless flow that surrounds you and everything at all times. OHCO (Oriental Herb Company) claims that you want your ki to be "strong, free flowing". So for a Z warrior to create a blast strong enough to destroy a planet, they have to create a flow of ki able to do so, and possibly manipulating the flow of ki over the entire planet. The Jasukai Dojo also tells us that everything is made of ki, the entire universe. Also, that the key to controlling it (or as they cleverly put it, "the 'key' to ki") is in the mind. You need to believe in it and your ability to learn how to control it, as well as bring your mind together with your body.

For those in the West, you may find your best reference to ki in New Age writings. The term "astral energy" is in essence, ki. This would suggest that your aura is ki that flows through and around you so much that it's in some way attatched to you. If Bhudda's aura was 2 miles wide, it's a good thing he was kind, he would probably be powerful enough to give a good DBZ style blast. If you have ever felt an object belonging to someone else and felt their presence on it, you're probably feeling their ki; which also shows us that ki does flow and interact. When the Dalai Llama is chosen, it's because he is believed to be the reincarnation of Bhudda, and the tests involve the candidate picking an object out of many to see if they pick the old Dalai Llama's item. This is made possible because of how ki rubs off and stays with an object.

To fully understand the nature of using your ki, you must also understand the chakras, there are 7 in total. One good source for this is here, which will go into far more detail than I will. Basically the chakras are spots along your aura where there is not only a gateway, but also a concentration of ki. The listing of these chakras is: the root chakra (by the genitals), the navel chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, the third eye chakra, and the crown chakra. These are considered important by Eastern thoughts for a long time, and certainly fit into DBZ as well as we notice Gohan telling Videl to pull the ki from her stomach. Most likely, this is the navel chakra, but the point being that the ki is able to flow from this gateway. Really, you should be able to pull ki from any chakra, however certain people will have some stronger than others.

From here, I'd like to talk about some specific practices involving ki.


It is said that the translation is "the path of harmonious energy." It's purpose is to redirect your opponent's energy to use it against him* in conjunction with self defense techniques. You do not need to be strong or big to practice this, since the energy is found in your opponent. They also teach how to read into their opponent to tell which moves to use and when. The specific practice of Ki Aikido was developped by Master Koichi Tohei which emphasizes using ki in these aikido practices. It has been referred to as being very much like dancing to some, and considered to have all the grace of the most graceful dances. Essentially you have a four point system to follow: 1)Keep one point; a point where the mind can focus, sometimes placed a bit below the navel (navel chakra) 2) Relax completely 3) Keep weight underside 4)Extend ki. The extend ki part is what is most important to us here. You want to extend the flow of ki from your one point outwards from whatever part of your body you're using. By doing so you're able to overcome simple brute mechanics of fighting.

For more on Aikido

For some "Cool Ki Tricks"


Kiatsu is considered to be a part of Aikido, the part that focuses on healing. It uses the act of applying pressure through the thumb or your ring, middle and index fingers and sending positive ki into the other person. You want to be relaxed and gentle when you do it. You use the ki extension from Aikido, having it relaxed but energetic all the way through your arm and hand and your thumb or fingers. You want to use your tips of your fingers, not the pads, to exert pressure onto the muscles, softening them, without moving them. You do this in a line, 10-15 second presses, starting from below the wound, or above it, or whatnot, past it. More information is here.


Reiki is probably one of the most amazing of these arts, because it's not really taught. It was originally developped in the 1870's by a man known as Usui Sensei (I don't know why they insist on adding sensei in like that as if it was an actual name, rather than a title), develloped from some ancient Bhuddhist texts. Some consider it a form of Qigong (aka. Chi Tung). The way of learning Reiki is through attunement. At the first level, a Reiki master will attune your crown chakra to those on your palms (not part of the 7 chakra system, I will look into this further). At this point the student will be able to administer healing by using their presence to get ki to flow through a patient, somehow being able to direct the energy without trying. They do not use their own ki for this. The second attunement involves 3 symbols being taught, which can be used: A Power symbol for increasing the amount of ki, a Emotion symbol for emotional balancing, and a Absent Healing symbol for when the healer can't be physically present with the patient. The final attunement involves the learning of the master symbol, which is drawn on your forhead and hands and blown into the energy stream.

Preparing for attunements, there is a long list of things to make sure of beforehand to maximize the effect of the attunement. A cost was put in practice by a Mrs. Takata long ago because she felt that people weren't appreciating the gift. $150 for a level 1 attunement, $500 for a level 2, and a whopping $10,000 for a level 3. There was also a minimum time established between attunements. This still carries on in the West today for the most part. You should also be able to verify a real teacher, which the links below have sections on.

Link 1

Link 2

Feng Shui

When you think of Feng Shui, think of interior or exterior decorating. The point of Feng Shui is to alter the flow of ki within a given area so as to create balance, and bring good fortune. From this practice came Numerology, I Ching, and even Astrology. Feng Shui practitioners are often used in the Pacific Asian area to pick where buildings should be placed or how they should be faced. When negative ki (though they prefer calling it chi) is about, they try to fix it by altering the landscape. An exorcism practice called Tung Fu is sometime used when people occupy old buildings, where they remove old spirits and memories. Some relate this to a "geobiological" lines that flow around the Earth and decide where spiritual spots are located. It can be hard to find free information on this because so many secrets are guarded.

Link 1

Link 2

Tai Chi

In the west, Tai Chi is mainly expressed in it's yoga/meditation version, however there lies much more behind it. The martial arts form comes from the natural movements of different animals, and the meditative form comes from the martial arts. The ki/chi/qi is circulated by doing these moves slowly and gracefully, which is supposed to help the health of the practitioner. As a combat art, it was brought to Beijing by Yang Lu Chan for use in the Imperial Court. No one could come close to beating him using his Tai Chi (Taijiquan) style of fighting. This did begin as a combat art, not the pure meditative form; however, that original form is close to being lost.

One major part of Tai Chi's combat form is that it utilizes soft blows, not the "hardened" attacks of other martial arts. In fact, Yang Lu Chan, aforementioned, was once called "cotton fist" to describe his attacks. Another goes by nian jing, which means sticking. Only by doing that can you truly feel and judge your opponent's energy and control it to your advantage. Beyond that you don't resist an attack, that gives it it's power. Instead you dodge it, then redirect it by blending your energy with theirs to your advantage. A phrase which can explain the proper stance goes by "Following His Posture, Borrowing His Strength". Based on your opponent's posture, you spontaneously develop one that makes his useless. Then of course, you do the part above to redirect his energy to your advantage.

In the meditative form and the combat form both, they use a technique known as "push hands" which is often choreographed by the meditative practitioners; a practice strongly opposed by the combat practitioners. They say that this exercise is supposed to teach you how to form the proper stance for the situation, not teach specific movements which will detract from the focus.

"Attract into Emptiness" involves creating a false target for your enemy, then using it as a trap and overextending his force. "Emitting Energy" is perhaps the key to this fighting style as it refers to your actual attacks. Using the energy sensing you used to dodge, use it to find the most effective spot and attack it with the proper amount of energy to counteract your opponent. They stress that you should not use excessive energy as it is inherently unstable. "Long Energy" is the practice of changing your opponent's center of gravity to send them far away, while "Short Energy" is the practice of attacking the center of mass directly, breaking bones and rupturing organs; "Cold Energy" is a form of short energy so fast that it causes the opponent to break into a cold sweat out of fear. I won't go into any more detail, but it's quite interesting.

For more in the meditative form, which will be short, it's considered to also be a part of Chi Gong or Chi Kong which means ki benefits. It is done solely for the use of the health benefits, with no emphasis on the martial arts. It is quite simply a watered down martial art.

Combat Link

Meditative Link 1

Meditative Link 2

Feeling the Aura

In my personal experience, I found a description in a book on how to feel the aura, which of course ends up being made up of ki. So I'll go tell you of this practice and how to do this. First you get comfortable, in some position you can handle and you concentrate on the feeling in your hands. You slowly move your hands together, preferably with your eyes closed, until you feel a little bit of a repulsion or warmth. The description I got stopped there, but if you pull back and try again, you'll feel it a bit stronger, and if you keep doing it you'll feel it good. From here you can feel around other parts of your aura or other even aura on other objects. I've gotten to the point where I don't need to start off with the hands together exercise, and have felt chakras and even while trying this on my dog, about two inches away, could feel his heartbeat strong for awhile. This grows more important as we go on below.

Psi Balls

This is supposedly the result of starting with the exercise above. You can start by feeling the energy around you then you take energy that you either take in or already have and imagine it forming into a ball. I've tried something like this by imagining ki spreading into the middle of my hands, and they started being pushed outwards. But by condensing the ki into that ball and further and further condensing it you can create something that you can see. Now, I have been told by a friend that you can use these and throw them and they'll move things like leaves, there are resources which say that they can also be used for telekinesis, telepathy, changing temperature, and even healing. So from this, I speculate that the very nature of DBZ style ki stems from this sort of ki practice.

Condense the Psi ball enough and maybe you can get it to the point that it can not only move leaves, but you can rip through or harm matter, and you have yourself a basic kikou-ha. With constant practicing, perhaps more than a human can live to endure, you might be able to channel energy enough to form a real ki blast such as the Kamehameha or Gyallic Gun. Use it for healing and it might look similar to what dende does. Condense it enough and you might make matterials appear out of thin air such as what Piccolo and other god-like beings do.



This is based on what I had heard from another friend. Here, instead of forming a psiball, you feel the aura/ki of another object. From there you have to exchange some of your ki for some of it's, and then from there you can lift the object and move it. She didn't explain it very well to me, but draw your own conclusions from this, even that since I haven't actually "physically" seen this friend, it might be a hoax, but it does seem to make sense. But anyways, it is noteworthy enough of being mentioned here.


Here's some information on how to strengthen your ki.

Here's a quick list of some ki exercises

Ki Breathing

Ki breathing is said to be best done in the seiza (kneeling) position, but can be done in any position. The goal is to do it naturally for at least 20 minutes, but preferrably 30, though others claim only 10-15 minutes are necessary. But do it only while it's comfortable. Certainly it's a form of meditation, and is supposed to be done best before bedtime or at moments of stress. You should imagine your mind at your center, like in Aikido, and that's your one point/navel chakra, just below your navel. So, from there you relax and focus your ki away from your body and center, why I suppose is to refresh your ki. Exhale for 30 seconds, with a natural flow, only slowed by throat muscles. Imagine your ki moving with your breath. If you can't last that long, then just slightly decrease it. Then lean slightly forwards over your center to knock whatever is left out. After this, you go back to the neutral position and pretend that you're still exhaling, while focusing in on your center. Then inhale for the same amount of time you exhaled for through your nose and when you can inhale no more, bend slightly back to get a bit more then move to the neutral position and do the same thing as before. Repeat. I paraphrased this from this page from the Ki Society.

Ki Meditation

Ki meditation is another way to go about trying to strengthen your ki. The goal is the unification of the body and mind, which is essential to using your ki. Supposedly, people use a small bit of it every day, but by unifying body and mind you can use a great deal more that is considered "natural". Closed eyes are best, and it's advisable to use the Murdra in the beginning, a certain hand position that helps focus the mind. I don't have more information on this yet, but I assume it's the basic prayer hand position. Tohei, the Ki Aikaido master, says that it's important here to know that the one point isn't a place but a feeling. Perhaps the importance of the navel chakra is overdone. From what I gather, you contract your one point as small as you can, slowly, until you can imagine no smaller, then expand it as big as possible and repeat. I suppose it's aural weightlifting in a sense. This works good in conjunction with ki breathing, a suggested start being 10 minutes of ki meditation followed by 10 minutes of ki breathing..... expanding as you go. A great link here.


Final Notes

Well, closing this subject, I hope that this article might have enlightened you in at least some way, or if not, made you glad to hear that there's something that so many will read that might enlighten them (talking to you ki masters out there). Generally the nature of ki is widely debated, from being a myth, to symbolic, to a simple force to utilize, to being spiritual, to the full blown DBZ style attacks. Ki has found itself strongly engrained into Asian culture and religion, though somewhat moved out by the west. Anime is full of examples of ki, even outside of Dragonball. And not only that, the west has shown the use of ki through Star Wars. I had noticed this when I was watching episode 1, seeing the jedi push back their opponents as if using kiaiho. However, I didn't write a whole big article on it like the Ki Society did, who also were used extensively in this research.

Just try to keep some of this in mind when you next watch DBZ and see what more you might understand about it.

*I use 'him' instead of him/her only because it's the technically correct way to say it. The language is sexist, not I.


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