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If you wish for your character to become stronger, there are only two ways. First, you could fight in a battle against another character, player or non-player. Second, you could train. There are many ways to train, and you will find information on each of those and their specifics below. Before beginning to play you should at least read this at some degree once.

Regular Training

In regular training, you simply post what your character is doing in order to train. It's grading will be subject to the formula posted further in. All posts must be at least 4 lines long to be counted, but there is no upper limit. When posting, remember that detail is rewarded. An example of regular training is provided here for a character named Kukumbro:

Kukumbro arrives in a nearby forest and begins his training by firing several kikou-ha blasts into the trees as fast as he can. He attempts to train the speed of his blasts so that he can act fast in battle. The trees become inflamed and a fire begins raging throughout the forest. Kukumbro knows that this could interupt his training so he teleports himself level to the tops of the trees and sends out a kiaiho wave which frees the trees from the fire. He then decides to get some target practice by chasing birds around the forest and zapping them. He teleports in front of a nearby bird he sees and fires a kikou-ha at him frying him on the spot. He then teleports behind another and zaps it as well. The next bird he encounters decides to be tricky and dodges the first couple blasts that Kukumbro throws, so he is forced to watch the birds movements and fire in front of it and destroy it. Kukumbro continues this training for a half an hour.

Notice the detail and length that will go rewarded later. The training may be whatever you want, provided that it doesn't use any thing special, such as a gravity room, hyperbolic time chamber, etc. You may even create a fight between yourself and some character not in the RPG.

Sensei Training

Another option open to players is to train under a sensei. A sensei may require you to do a task before they are willing to train you, but they are able to teach you moves and give you special training options, such as use of the hyperbolic time chamber. You do the posts for special training just as you would the regular training posts, but you may have requirements on when you are able to do this training, or how it is to be done, or how many lines are allowed or required for the post.


You could also spar another player in the RPG. During spars, neither character may die; also, both players must agree to the spar either through e-mail or other means of contact. Simply you post what your character does in posts between 4 and 12 lines. After one person replies, the next must reply before the first person may again. If a spar has more than 2 people, no one person may post twice in a row, and you must wait at least 1 hour for someone else in the fight who hasn't posted in that time to post before someone posts again.

Learning Moves

In order to learn a move, you must train under either a sensei for 1 day per level of that move, giving at least 5 posts of how you learn that move, or train under a character who knows the move for 3 days per level of that move, giving 5 posts of how you learn taht move and at least 2 posts of that character telling you how to do that move. Any characters training other characters must agree to train that character, and must stay in that area while that person is being trained. After the this time, you may use the moves at will. All posts that involve learning moves help your PL as well.

Creating A Move

If you want to create a new move, either not on the moves list or one that you simply make up, you must first post on the Questions and General Notices board the details of the move. You will be told what level that move would be, or simply that you cannot have that move because it's too strong for the RPG. It will take you 2 days per level of that move to train it, and requires at least 5 posts in that time explaining how you learn it. All posts that involve creating moves help your PL as well.

The Formula

The fomula above is what dictates the power level gained in training or in battles. It is simple algebra, so if you don't know algebra yet, have someone who does help you out in figuring the formula out. Other than knowing what will help you gain the most power level, you don't need to know this equation, we will do all the work involving this equation. There are certain factors which may change this formula, which will be mentioned in the appropriate spots. Special training may result in increasing the values of certain variables. Also, certain races may have similar effects in specific conditions mentioned on the page for that race. All of your posts made in training from midnight to midnight on a certain day, according to Eastern Standard Time will be used in deciding the values of this formula, except if there is special training done which effects this formula, which will be done seperately. Spars or Battles will be decided after they are over.

PL GAIN - The amount of Power Level you will gain from the training

Current PL - Your current Power Level before the training is graded.

Strength - (1-10) This is the difficulty of the training you're doing, averaged together. It is decided subjectively by how harsh the training is on your character. For many things, stronger characters will get less of this for doing the same thing, expecting them to push their character to higher heights to attain the same level of difficulty. If you recieve a difficulty of 0, then you get no new powerlevel.

Creativity - (0-10) You will also recieve a rating of creativity if you have an exceptionally creative post. This allows for people to be rewarded for coming up with interesting ways of training or good dialogue during the training.

# lines - This is the number of lines in your post, which must be at least 4, unless stated otherwise. Partial lines will be added up and dialogue lines count as 1/4 of a line.

Notice that this formula will allow for your Power Level to grow at an exponential rate. You will gain more Power Level for the same variables, the stronger you get. Also, if there were no rounding, you would have EXACTLY the same power level after x days of posts, no matter what order they are posted in. Due to rounding, it may be off by a few power level points, but not significantly. This makes it so that the growth in strength is much like in series.


Money is kept in Zenii, and can be spent on items to help your character. Certain items will require you to write a story on how you recieved the item, since in reality it couldn't be bought. Money will be given out in increments of 300 zenii and you will recieve it for posting acceptable training of a total of at least 6 lines on any day. If you post often, you will be rewarded by having more items in the end.

Training Rules

There are a few rules to training and they are listed below:

  1. You may not die during training

  2. All training must be posted on the Training message board

  3. There is no limit on how much you can train

  4. You may only either be training or in battle or in a spar at any one time. You cannot be in two places at the same time

If you have any questions on the rules, ask on the Questions and General Notices board.


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Vegeta SSJ
by Abe Stemmons

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